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Nokia fall down

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Nokia sees world cellphone market falling

The world's large business conglomerate in cell phone " Nokia" , its says that the mobile phone market would be getting affected in a recent economic brake down as the price is going down and tremendous opportunity to face loss in the upcoming year 2009. 1.24 billion phones being sold worldwide this year, down from its previous estimate of 1.26 billion.

Nokia said in a statement:

"Within the few weeks, the global economic trend has been slowdown that combined a worldwide price change with unprecedented currency volatility resulted a sharp pull back in global consumer spending." Nokia also said it estimated that handset volumes will be down in 2009 compared with 2008.


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Octopuses had Antarctic ancestor

Many octopuses evolved from a common ancestor that lived off Antarctica more than 30 million years ago, according to a "Census of Marine Life" that is seeking to map the oceans from microbes to whales. Researchers in 82 nations, whose 10-year study aims to help protect life in the seas, found a mysterious meeting place for white sharks in the eastern Pacific Ocean and algae thriving at -25 degrees Celsius (-13 Fahrenheit) in the Arctic.

Ron O'Dor (co-senior scientist of the census of the 2007-08 findings by up to 2,000 scientists) said: "We are approaching a picture of the oceans from micrcobes to whales."

The $650 million census is on track for completion in 2010, assessing about 230,000 known marine species, a statement said. It has identified 5,300 likely new species, of everything from fish or corals. So far, 110 have been confirmed as new. Among the findings, genetic evidence showed that the tentacles of the octopus family pointed to an Antarctic ancestor for many deep sea species. A modern octopus called adelieledone in Antarctica seemed the closest relative of
the original. Octopuses apparently spread around the world after Antarctica became covered with a continent-wide ice sheet more than 30 million years ago, a shift that helped create oxygen-rich ocean currents flowing north, a report said.

The census said: "Isolated in new habitat conditions, many different species evolved; some octopuses, for example, losing their defensive ink sacs pointless at perpetually dark depths."
Other findings showed that white sharks traveled thousands of kilometers to spend six months at what researchers called the "White Shark Cafe" in the Pacific between Hawaii and California.

"During this time, both males and females make frequent, repetitive dives to depths of 300 meters" it said. Researchers said the purpose was unknown but may be linked to food or reproduction.

Mapping the oceans is helping researchers to work out how to protect marine life from threats including over-fishing, pollution and climate change. The census could identify areas needing conservation, or help define rules for seabed mining. At one extreme, scientists found algae thriving in Arctic waters of -25 Celsius, kept from freezing because salt concentrations were six times more than in normal sea water. And in the mid-Atlantic, researchers found anemones, worms and shrimp around the world's deepest known active hot volcanic vent, over 4,100
meters deep. Among other findings were a predatory comb jelly anchored to the seabed in waters 7,217 meters (23,680 ft) deep near Japan. "It was found at a depth thought incapable of supporting predators like this one," a statement said. The discovery of a wealth of new species was not a sign that the oceans were healthier than thought.

"The things that we're discovering ... are not the kind of things you want to see on your plate very often," O'Dor said, adding that people had fished the big, attractive species.

Even so, 95 percent of the ocean was unexplored. The census "will synthesize what humankind knows about the oceans, what we don't know, and what we many never know," Ian Poiner, chair of the census's steering committee, said in a statement.


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Experts reported that in U.S. hospitals diarrhea is now getting deadly cause as its increasing in tremendous pace.

In every 1000 hospitals patients approximately 15 are infected with Clostridium difficile and its 30 times greater then previous time. Data collected had been collected approximately 13000 members of Clostridium difficile patient.

Dr. William Jarvis (health-care epidemiologist) said: as the U.S. population gets older and more frail, more patients are at risk of serious Clostridium difficile that can kill them.
He also mentioned in an interview that: "You can get disease that ranges all the way from simple diarrhea all the way to perforation of the bowel requiring surgery, ... shock and death".

The most commonly used antibiotic for Clostridium difficile is metronidazole, but some severe and antibiotic-resistant forms must be treated with vancomycin.

Headphones: hinder pacemakers

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Headphones: hinder pacemakers

U.S. researchers said: headphones (used in mp3 player or ipod or earphone) interfere with heart pacemakers. Strong little magnets inside the headphones can foul up the devices if placed within 1.2 inches of them.

An implantable cardioverter defibrillator signals the heart to normalize its rhythm if it gets too fast or slow. A magnet could de-activate it, making it ignore an abnormal heart rhythm instead of delivering an electrical shock to normalize it. The devices usually go back to working the right way after the headphones are removed, the researchers said.

The headphones interfered with the heart devices in about a quarter of the patients 14 of the 60 and interference was twice as likely in those with a defibrillator than with a pacemaker. Another study showed that cellular phones, earphones, Bluetooth etc are also make tremendous affect, its better to short our conversation, its seen that long time conversation may effect in brain and even our heart beat. Most of the headphones had magnetic field strengths more than 20 times higher than the threshold for interfering with pacemakers or defibrillators.

So people aware of their heart and should not place the headphones in a shirt pocket or coat pocket near the chest or try to avoid magnet device near to the ear. A better life will not last long if any precaution is not taken. Life is gift, make the best use of it.


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HeartbeatsA British team said: Pacemakers and defibrillators of the future may generate an extra power boost from a surprising energy source, Using a micro-generator powered by heartbeats, the British team on their experiment produced nearly 17% of the electricity needed to run an artificial pacemaker.

Paul Roberts (Southampton University Hospital in Britain) said: "This was a proof-of-concept study, and we provided the concept."

A pacemaker is a device of saving lives that sends electrical impulses to the heart to speed up or slow cardiac rhythm while an implantablecardioverter defibrillator signals the heart to normalize its rhythm if it gets too fast or slow.

  • But now a days the devices are so small and the only way to produce more power is to run more functions is to increase battery size. The researchers said: increasing the size of this device would enable uncomfortable and cosmetically less appealing. The researchers continuously looking for increasing more power that helps the heart produce more than enough energy with each beat to pump blood as well as working with different materials in the micro generator, which they believe will produce significantly more power in their next-generation device

The device uses 2 bladders and a micro generator mounted on the lead of a pacemaker or defibrillator, the wire that connects the device to the heart.

Green areas

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Green areas:

Researchers said: Parks, fields, garden or even any green areas greatly narrow health gaps between the rich and poor, it helps to minimize their gap as they come together near to each other and sometime even its often seen that they shared the same values, norms as the society has created. Its seen that green space linked together and people come across every nook and improved health.

  • In an interview Mitchell, a researcher at the University of Glasgow, said: "The size of the difference in the health gap is surprising and represented a much bigger effect than I had been expecting". Mitchell said parkland or any green space helping people to remove stress of physical activity and that ultimately reduce risk of heart disease.

The extensive research based on fields & forests in England by dividing into 5 sectors and then comparing death rates between rich and poor. So in the long run, for better life and its need to promote for greenery and government should take initiative for developing this kind such an important issue.

Rock soak up carbon dioxide

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Rock soak up carbon dioxide
n a recent discovery scientists found a new rock in Oman that can soak up the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide, and in such discovery scientists believe that it could help to minimize global warming. Its like, when carbon dioxide comes in touch with that rock,
peridotite, the gas is converted into solid minerals such as calcite.

Peridotite is the rock that found in below the crust or even in the surface, the availability of this rock mostly seen in Oman.

The scientists at Columbia University's Lamont and Doherty Earth Observatory in New York, say they could start peridotite's carbon storage process by boring down and injecting it with heated water containing pressurized carbon dioxide. They also mentioned that 4 to 5 billion tons could be stored by using synthetic "trees" which suck carbon dioxide out of the air. Country like US, China and India, where abundant surface supplies of the rock are not found, would have to come up with other ways of storing or cutting emissions.

If the method is utilized then lots benefits may occur to the survival of earth and its living creatures.