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Marginal Productivity

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Marginal Productivity Theory

Thomas Palley with more on the acceptance of heterodox views within the economics profession. Thomas discusses the neoclassical theory of income distribution. Since this theory was first published by J. B. Clark over a century ago, it has been controversial. J.M. Clark, his son and also a prominent economist, wrote that his father's ideas on marginal productivity and the distribution of income are ethical statements "oriented at Marx, and are best construed as an earnest, and not meticulously qualified, rebuttal of Marxian exploitation theory." Clark believed that each factor of production would receive a return just equal to its contribution to society (the value of its marginal product) and hence the distribution of income was ethically correct.

There have been many, many objections to the normative conclusions drawn by Clark from his marginal product theory. To name a few, it requires perfect competition, it rewards factors, not individuals (owning capital and land gives the owners income, but the income is for the contribution of the factors, not for the contributions of individuals receiving the income), there is no meaningful way to separate the contributions of factors to total product (when crops grow, was it the hoe used to weed the plot of land, or the person operating it?)

Marginal productivity theory gives an explanation for why income is distributed in a particular way. The question is whether it provides an adequate theory for understanding the flow of income to the factors of production, and I think it does provide such a basis. So it helps us to understand why income is distributed as it is, but arguing about whether the result is equitable or not is fruitless since it will depend upon the definition of equity used to evaluate the outcome, and the definition can differ across individuals.

My own view is that we don't need, at least not yet, to discard the standard theoretical model. Instead, and there has been a lot of work in this direction, we should first be sure that incorporating market and political power relationships into the standard structures won't explain what we observe in the world. Dani Rodrik states this as "I think the best antidote against the blind spots is neoclassical economics itself." When someone invokes marginal productivity theory's ethical implications, as they do, say, when they argue that CEO pay is justified because it reflects CEO's contributions to the firm's output (and hence to society more generally), they are implicitly assuming that the assumptions of the perfectly competitive market hold when it's doubtful that they do. Markets can fail in a variety of ways and the neoclassical model of pure competition can serve as a useful benchmark for understanding how departures from an idealized structure will resolve themselves as people interact in the marketplace. Too many people argue from the standpoint of the perfectly competitive model when it simply doesn't apply and I would be happy, at least as a start, if the discussions of these issues would do a better job at recognizing that the competitive model is an idealized benchmark to evaluate actual markets, but not an outcome we should necessarily expect in the real world.

Leadership role

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Leadership role

Preparing your employees for future leadership roles consists of two activities: planning and development. Planning includes the following activities:

• identifying employees who show potential for assuming greater responsibility

• assessing those individuals against some kind of leadership model to understand their strengths and development needs

• developing your leadership model or set of models that describe the elements of leadership critical to your organization

• identifying the kinds of roles that will need to be filled

• ensuring a flow of succession opportunities even if it means removing current leaders that are performing adequately in their role

Developing future leaders goes beyond the classroom. In fact, successful leaders cite other factors besides training when asked to describe their best source of preparation:

• stretch experiences
• a formative mentor
• dealing with hardship and conflict

Project Termination

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"Project Termination"

Project termination activities recognize key learning's from the project, acknowledge the client's development, and identify next steps for you and your client. They also help to avoid "project creep" where the project never ends because the requirements for success keep expanding.

Possible Organizational Development Activities ("Interventions") to Use in Change Management Processes. The field of Organization Development uses a variety of processes, approaches, methods, techniques, applications, etc., (these are often termed "interventions") to address organizational issues and goals in order to increase performance.

How People Choose Organizational Development Activities. There are no standard activities that always successfully address certain types of issues in organizations. Many times, the success of a project lies not with having selected the perfect choice of activities, but rather with how honest and participative people were during the project, how much they learned and how open they were to changing their plans for change.

However, there are some basic considerations that most people make when selecting from among the many choices for organizational development, or capacity building, activities. Considerations include:

First, does the change-management method (if one was used) suggest what organizational development activities to use now, for example, the method of strategic management might suggest that a SWAT analysis be done, strategic goals be established along with action plans for each goal, and then implementation of the action plans be closely monitored. Is the activity most likely to address the findings from the discovery, that is, to solve the problems or achieve the goals? To find out, review any research about use of the activity, discuss the potential outcomes with experts and also with members of the organization. Consider posing your questions in online groups of experts about change. Does the nature of the activity match the culture of the organization? The best way to find out is to discuss the activity with members of the organization. Does the change agent and key members of the organization have the ability to conduct the activity?

For example, techno structural and strategic interventions sometimes require technical skills that are not common to many people. Does the activity require more time to conduct than the time available in which to address the problem or goal?

For example, a cash crisis requires immediate attention, so while a comprehensive strategic planning process might ultimately be useful, the four to five months to do that planning is impractical. Does the client's organization have the resources that are necessary to conduct the activity, considering resources such as funding, attention and time from people and facilities.

Change Management

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Overview of Change Management

Clearing Up the Language About Organizational Change and Development There are several phrases regarding organizational change and development that look and sound a lot alike, but have different meanings. As a result of the prominence of the topic, there seems to be increasingly different interpretations of some of these phrases, while others are used interchangeably. Without at least some sense of the differences between these phrases, communications about organizational change and development can be increasingly vague, confusing and frustrating.

An Orientation to Change Management

There are different overall types of organizational change, including planned versus unplanned, organization-wide versus change primarily to one part of the organization, incremental (slow, gradual change) versus transformational (radical, fundamental), etc. Knowing which types of change you are doing helps all participants to retain scope and perspective during the many complexities and frequent frustrations during change. Read the following article to understand more about each type of change.

Four Change Management Strategies

There are numerous well-organized approaches (or models) from which to manage a change effort. Some of the approaches have been around for many years we just haven't thought of them as such. For example, many organizations undertake strategic planning. The implementation of strategic planning, when done in a systematic, cyclical and explicit approach, is strategic management. Strategic management is also one model for ensuring the success of a change effort. The following links provide more perspectives on approaches to managing change. (Note that, with the maturation of the field of OD, there are now more strong opinions about which are change management approaches and which are not there seems to be no standard interpretation yet.)

Example of a Planned, Systemic Change Process Action Research A typical planned, systemic (and systematic) organizational development process often follows an overall action research approach (as described below). There are many variations of the action research approach, including by combining its various phases and/or splitting some into more phases. This section provides resources that are organized into one variation of the action research approach. Note that the more collaborative you are in working with members of the organization during the following process, the more likely the success of your overall change effort.

Phase 1: Clarifying Expectations and Roles for Change Process This phase is sometimes called the "Contracting" and/or "Entry" phase. This phase is usually where the relationship between you (the initial change agent) and your client starts, whether you are an external or internal consultant. Experts assert that this phase is one of the most -if not the most - important phases in the organizational change process. Activities during this stage form the foundation for successful organizational change. The quality of how this phase is carried out usually is a strong indicator of how the project will go. Types of Clients (this helps answer the critical question: "Who is the current client?")

Phase 2: Joint Discovery to Identify Priorities for Change The more collaborative the change agent is in working with members of the client's organization, the more likely that the change effort will be successful. Your client might not have the resources to fully participate in all aspects of this discovery activity the more participation they can muster, the better off your project will be. Whether you are an external or internal change agent in this project, you and your client will work together during this phase to understand more about the overall priority of the change effort and how you all can effectively address it. It might be a major problem in the organization or an exciting vision to achieve. Together, you will collect information, analyze it to identify findings and conclusions, and then make recommendations from that information. Sometimes the data-collection effort is very quick, for example, facilitating a large planning meeting. Other times, the effort is more extensive, for example, evaluating an entire organization and developing a complete plan for change. The nature of discovery also depends on the philosophy of the change agent and client. For example, subscribers to the philosophy of Appreciative Inquiry (referenced above) might conduct discovery, not by digging into the number and causes of problems in the organization, but by conducting interviews to discover the visions and wishes of people in the organization.

Sometimes, people minimize the importance of - or altogether skip this critical discovery phase, and start change management by articulating an ambitious and comprehensive vision for change. Many would argue that it is unethical to initiate a project for organizational change without fully examining (or discovering) the current situation in the client's organization. Focusing most of the change efforts on achieving a robust vision, without at least some careful discovery, often can be harmful to your client's organization because your project can end up dealing with symptoms of any current issues, rather than the root causes. Also, the project could end up pushing an exciting vision that, while initially inspiring and motivating to many, could be completely unrealistic to achieve especially if the organization already has many current, major issues to address. Therefore, when working to guide change in an organization that already is facing several significant issues, you are usually better off to start from where your client is at that usually means conducting an effective discovery to identify priorities for change.

Phase 3: Joint Planning of Organizational Development Activities to AddressPriorities. In the previous phase about discovery, you and your client conducted research, discovered various priorities that needed attention, generated recommendations to address those priorities, and shared your information with others, for example, in a feedback meeting. Part of that meeting included discussions and, hopefully, decisions about the overall mutual recommendations that your client should follow to in order address the priorities that were identified by you and your client during your discovery. This phase is focused on further clarifying those recommendations, along with developing them into various action plans. The various plans are sometimes integrated into an overall change management plan. Thus, the early activities in this phase often overlap with, and are a continuation of, the activities near the end of the earlier discovery phase. This is true whether you are an external or internal consultant. Action plans together can now provide a clear and realistic vision for change. They provide the "roadmap" for managing the transition from the present state to the desired future state. Development of the various action plans is often an enlightening experience for your client as members of their organization begin to realize a more systematic approach to their planning and day-to-day activities. As with other activities during change management, plans can vary widely in how they are developed. Some plans are very comprehensive and systematic (often the best form used for successful change). Others are comprised of diverse sections that are expected to somehow integrate with each other. Subscribers to the philosophy of Appreciative Inquiry (referenced above) might do planning by building on past positive outcomes and on the strengths of members of the organization.

Phase 4: Change Management and Joint Evaluation. During this phase, emphasis is on sustaining and evaluating the change effort, including by addressing resistance that arises from members of the organization and sometimes in the change agent, as well. Client's Ongoing Communication of Action Plans Basics of Writing and Communicating Plans (in context of strategic planning, but applies to change management plans, too)

During this phase, if the implementation of the plans gets stalled for a long time, for example, many months, then you might cycle back to an earlier phase in the process in order to update and restart the change management project. Projects can get stuck for a variety of reasons, e.g., if the overall situation changes (there suddenly are new and other priorities in
the client's organization), people succumb to burnout, key people leave the organization, the relationship between the consultant and client changes, or people refuse to implement action plans.

Performance Management

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Understanding Organizational Performance Management

Organizational change should not be conducted for the sake of change.

Organizational change efforts should be geared to improve the performance of organizations and the people in those organizations. Therefore, it's useful to have some understanding of what is meant by "performance" and the various methods to manage performance in organizations.

The field of Organization Development is focused on improving the effectiveness of organizations and the people in those organizations.

Organizations, Leadership and Management

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Organizations, Leadership and Management

To really understand organizational change and begin guiding successful change efforts, the change agent should have at least a broad understanding of the context of the change effort. This includes understanding the basic systems and structures in organizations, including their typical terms and roles. This requirement applies to the understanding of leadership and management of the organizations, as well. That is why graduate courses in business often initially include a course or some discussion on organizational theory. This topic includes several links to help you gain this broad understanding. The following links (broadly reviewed in the following order) might be helpful to establish some sense about organizations, and their leadership and management.

Introduction to Organizations (to get a sense for the system, forms, roles and structures)

Introduction to Leadership (to get a sense for what leadership is, its scope, and where it might fit during change)

Introduction to Management (to get a sense about planning, organizing and controlling resources).

Organizational Change

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Organizational Change

Why Is It Critical for Leaders and Managers to Be Successful at Organizational Change?

Because It's Their Job Significant organizational change occurs, for example, when an organization changes its overall strategy for success, adds or removes a major section or practice, and/or wants to change the very nature by which it operates. It also occurs when an organization evolves through various life cycles, just like people must successfully evolve through life cycles. For organizations to develop, they often must undergo significant change at various points in their development. That's why the topic of organizational change and development has become widespread in communications about business, organizations, leadership and management.
Leaders and managers continually make efforts to accomplish successful and significant change it's inherent in their jobs. Some are very good at this effort (probably more than we realize), while others continually struggle and fail. That's often the difference between people who thrive in their roles and those that get shuttled around from job to job, ultimately settling into a role where they're frustrated and ineffective.

There are many approaches to guiding change some planned, structured and explicit, while others are more organic, unfolding and implicit. Some approaches work from the future to the present, for example, involving visioning and then action planning about how to achieve that vision. Other approaches work from the present to the future, for example, identifying current priorities (issues and/or goals) and then action planning about to address those priorities.

Different people often have very different and strong opinions about how change should be conducted. Thus, it is likely that some will disagree with some of the content in this topic. That's what makes this topic so diverse, robust and vital for us all.

Resources Based view(RBV)

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Resources Based view(RBV)

Firms differ from one another due to the some reasons like:

Tangible resources: can be easily identified and include production facilities and financial assets.

Intangible resources: can not be seen or touched but felt due to their benefits/ advantages. For example, brand names, company’s reputation.

Organizational capabilities: skills or ability to combine assets, people and process to transform inputs into outputs. For example, customer service, distribution coverage etc.

Team building in project management

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Team building in project management

To meet the uncertainties in project management a technique may be used for contact arrangement in project management is know as team building. If the people can be forget into a team there would not be any need for an celebrate contract, on the other hand any amount of contract can not make team and cause quaintly can not avoid all sorts of uncertainties that may arise due to the same amount of effort is therefore too much to build the team for the execution of a project.

7 c’s of team building

Conceiving: it is the interrelationship model that will become operative for the realization of the project objective likewise, one is depend to another which will become 1st coloring at 1st

Concurring: make the member concerning this (you have to inform when you start concurring the last)

Commitments: only when they obtain concur it then it would be possible to obtain commitments for them.

Communicating: there must be all round communication of the requirements and comittement made by each member.

Co-coordinating: a total co-ordination must exist so that a short fall any where in the line does not upset the team balance.

Council lings: the defaulting member must be cancelled to exercise more self control so that it makes an all out effort to meet his commitments.

Control: when self discipline does not work and the smoke e and harmonious working is being effected control must be exercised to bring that working in link with the requirements.

Working Your Way Through College

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Working Your Way Through College

  • The road ahead of you will be well worth it, but like anything good you must do some hard work to get to the end of that road. Working your way through college may be hard, but at the end it is a rewarding experience. Always remember, however, that while you are working your education is your highest priority. Your job should never make you come to work over going to school. If you work in a place like that then you should consider changing your employment place to one that appreciates your college education. A job should never come first before class or any class required activities. How you juggle extracurricular activities will be up to you. Also, remember that while you are working you are also paying for your education, which is just another good reason to go to class.

    Depending on your degree, you may choose to find employment in an area that compliments your major. Gaining on the job experience while going to college is an awesome way to insure that you really want to pursue that career. You will get an idea of how you would feel working for that company for an extended period of time. You will also
    get a taste of what life is like on a daily basis in that career. You will be able to make well-informed decisions on your major and degree plan. For example, if you are going to veterinarian school and you a pre-vet major, you would be wise to find local veterinarians who could use some help and will work around your school schedule. If you are an aspiring journalist or mass communications major, then you should look into part-time jobs at your
    local newspapers, radio stations and new stations. Many colleges also have their own broadcasting networks in the college that employ college students or require working there as classes or labs.

    You are bound to find many hardships while working your way through college and it is always a good idea to have a plan. Students should develop a budget and insure that they will be able to pay their rent, buy groceries, necessities and school supplies. Students should also consider saving as much money as possible while attending school. Base your work hours and your school schedule upon this budget. You will be able to figure out how many hours you will need to work per week to live happily.

    Jobs that generally work well with school schedules are restaurants, grocery stores, retail stores and on-campus jobs. These jobs usually hire part-time employees and are generally flexible with your work hours. Other employers that are in your major will generally work with students to help them out and help them gain experience. They are usually excited to see students who want to enter their field and will provide you with as much information as possible. On-campus jobs are great because you can have your pay goes towards paying for your dorm and other school expenses. If those expenses are already paid for, then they will pay you directly and they have no choice but to work with your academic schedule.


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a common health condition which makes it difficult to breathe. When it is severe, asthma can be a life threatening condition. While the broad term ‘asthma’ is often used to describe this condition, there are actually many different types of asthma. The different categories of asthma are based on the various triggers that can cause asthma symptoms or attacks to appear.

Allergic asthma occurs when an individual’s asthma is triggered by a reaction to allergens such as pet dander or pollen. Family history can play a role in being at risk for this type of asthma. In some cases, individuals may experience what is known as seasonal asthma. In this type of asthma, individuals most often experience asthma symptoms during certain seasons, especially when pollen is released in the air. Spring is often the worst time for this type of asthma. The presence of ragweed in the fall can also trigger seasonal asthma.

Non allergic asthma does not have any association with allergies. In this case, individuals may experience difficulty breathing due to triggers such as irritants in the air. These irritants may include wood smoke, tobacco smoke, pine odors, room deodorizers, cleaning products, fresh paint, air pollution and perfumes. Even changes in the air temperature or exercises can also induce a non allergic asthma attack.

Another category of asthma is exercise induced asthma. These types of asthma attacks are induced by physical activity. In some cases, asthma may be triggered during the night. This type of asthma attack commonly occurs in the early hours of the morning and may also be present in specific types of asthma, such as allergic asthma and non allergic asthma.

Women who have asthma and become pregnant may also experience a higher concentration of asthma attacks during their pregnancies.

Asthma may also be triggered by an occupational trigger, such as fume or dusts that are in the air where the individual works. The best way to cope with this type of asthma is to reduce the concentration of agents in the air.

In learning how to cope with asthma, it is important to discuss with a healthcare provider the exact type of asthma that is present. This can help to choose the correct treatment as well as to learn how to effectively cope with it. In most instances, the best way to cope with asthma is to reduce exposure to specific triggers.

Types of asthma are based on:

A. Symptoms
B. Triggers of attacks
C. The individual who is suffering from the attack
Which type of asthma is triggered by a reaction to an allergen?

A. Allergic asthma
B. Non allergic asthma
C. Occupational asthma
D. Exercise induced asthma

Which of the following might be a trigger for a non allergic asthma attack?

A. Ragweed
B. Pollen
C. Tobacco smoke
D. Exercise
What is an effective way to cope with asthma?

A. Speak to your doctor
B. Reduce exposure to triggers
C. Remain indoors
D. Both A and B

Global warming

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Global warming

Today, global warming is an undeniable fact, which proves that our planet and its climate are in trouble. Global warming affects all areas of our life: politics, economics and a social sphere. The study of global warming involves many sciences in order to examine the causes of global warming and try to find possible solutions to reduce the impact of our civilization on the planet. An interdisciplinary research in this field is important, because global warming is caused by many factors and has an impact on different spheres of our life. For instance, climate science is aimed to investigate the changes caused by global warming.

Geology examines the impact of human activities (drilling) on climate. Economic science helps to understand economic benefits and material losses caused by severe weather conditions taking into account results obtained by Climate science and Geology. Economic science investigates and develops measures to reduce negative impact of economic activity on climate and global warming. Taking into account the information mentioned above, it is evident that an interdisciplinary research is crucial, because one science is unable to solve the problem of global warming without collaboration with other disciplines. The increased incidents of severe weather point to global warming and human as factors. Therefore, remedies must be found to solve this problem".

I. Natural disasters such as hurricanes and tornados are the result of global warming. Recent years, hurricanes have become a great problem for many coastal villages and towns around the world. Scientists explain that hurricanes are caused by heated water and variations of sea level. For instance, according to Avery: “the computerized global climate models predict we'll get more and bigger storms as the planet warms”, which results in severe weather conditions. Avery explains that "heat in the atmosphere is the fuel that leads to stormy weather," and "weather disasters are occurring with ever-greater intensity and frequency around the world." (Avery, n.d.). So, it is evident that this “fuel” in the atmosphere is the result of human activities (gas emissions and other pollutant) which lead to the heated atmosphere and hurricanes.

Nevertheless, there is an opposite view supposing that “the present hurricane surge is part of a 60 to 70-year cycle linked to natural effects” (Briggs, 2005), and has nothing to do with heated weather conditions. Unfortunately, nobody can reject the fact that thousands of tons of mercury, lead, and other heavy metals are put into the water and air each year in the form of liquids and gases, which cause the sea temperature increase. Heavy metals, like pesticides, are long lasting and can spread over large areas. Algae and fish are disappeared and natural processes of adsorption stops. These changes in biosphere resulted in global warming.

b) Tornados is another problem caused by heated water. This phenomenon was proved by Carter who stated that tornados are caused by temperature increase and storm chasing. He illustrates this fact stating that ‘the escalation in extreme weather conditions over the past two decades has led to an increase in the frequency and intensity of storm conditions” (Carter, 2005). Some scientists try to explain tornados and storms as a result of changing weather conditions neglecting the influence of global warming on this process.

To conclude, it is possible to say that the majority of scientists agree that global warming and “green house effect” are the main reasons why we suffer from hurricanes, tornados and storms, and as predicted, will suffer even greatly if do not take pain to reduce pollution. Economic science states that tornados and hurricanes have a great impact on economic situation in many countries, and have a negative influence on market situation in the world. They ruin crops and resulted in famine, they ruin houses and caused death of thousands of people.
II. The impact of human activities on the global warming is evident. Humanity is caused severe weather by a number of ways, including pollution and drilling. People have always polluted their surroundings, but throughout much of history, pollution was not a major problem.
a) Today, environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity. Environmental pollution is a term that refers to all the ways by which people pollute their surroundings. People dirty the air with gases and smoke, poison the water with chemicals and other substances, and damage the soil with too many fertilizers and pesticides.

The warming or “Greenhouse effect” we are now experiencing is a result of carbon dioxide we have dumped into the air. It turns clear, odorless air into hazy, smelly air that harms health, kills plants, and damages property. In general, air pollution and global warming results from pouring hundreds of millions of tons of gases and participates into the atmosphere including the major greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane (CH4), the halocarbons (CFCs) and nitrous oxide. So called "trace gases" make up the remainder of air's composition. Most air pollution results from combustion (burning) processes. Each time a fuel is burned in a combustion process, some type of pollutant is released into the air, and ruin ozone layer, which protects the Earth from radiation. As a result our atmosphere is heated, and climate becomes warmer.

Except air pollution, soil pollutants (fertilizers) come into the water and resulted in acid rain which has become an increasingly serious problem caused severe weather. This pollutant forms when moisture in the air combines with nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide released by automobiles, by factories, and by power plants that burn coal or oil. The reaction between the moisture and the chemical compounds produces nitric and sulfuric acids. It also reduces the amount of oxygen that water can hold. The addition of heated water is called thermal pollution. It occurs when heated water is added to a body of water. Most heated water comes from industries and power plants that use water for cooling. Another major pollutant is fuel oil, which enters oceans mainly from oil tankers and offshore oil wells. As it was mentioned above, this heated water causes such disasters as tornados and hurricanes.

According to the recent researches, human activities do not influence global warming and do not heat the atmosphere. They found that “levels of human-sourced emission dwarf anything produced by even the largest recent eruptions (e.g. Krakatoa) and the ice-core record shows that, while records of past massive eruptions are preserved as layers rich in volcanic dust and sulphur dioxide, there are no CO2 ‘spikes’ of eruptive origin” (Global Warming: A Perspective from Earth History, 2005). Even if it is so and air pollution is not influence by human activities, humanity should take measures to reduce emissions and high level of carbine dioxide in the air they breath in.

b) Drilling is another cause which is closely connected with global warming. It has been found that: “the shorter period for frozen tundra "appears consistent with findings of general warming in the Alaska Arctic associated with global climate change." (Nesmith, 2003).Scientists suppose that removal of an ice core and building of the roads in winter have a direct impact on global warming. Melting of snow resulted in temperature rise. Drilling Ice Cores has a very negative effect on climate in tundra areas. The process of drilling includes burning in large, open areas producing harmful gases when burned. Another problem is that, in the meantime, the drilling is increasing rapidly. New territories are required for explorations and maintenance of equipment. Arctic areas are the most attractive for oil companies, because they propose uncurtailed production of oil and gas. On the other hand, the process of ice removal is also a sphere of concern (Greens Call New Oil, 2005), because it ruins ecosystem of the region and resulted in warmer weather conditions around the globe.

The threat drilling and its effect on global warming raises ethical questions. The sewage treatment if land is an example of a technological development that was designed to protect the environment but which can cause pollution nevertheless. Arctic ice is the main storage of drinking water, but if it can change the natural cycles in water, and resulted in climate change. "The supreme irony is that the winter season is getting shorter because of a pronounced warming of the climate brought on, in part, by the burning of oil” (Nesmith,2003).

III. To reduce the impact of humans on climate, the following remedies such as recycling and hydride technologies can be used. Thus, to end or greatly reduce pollution immediately, people would have to stop using many things that benefit them. Most people do not want to do that, of course.

Pollution can be gradually reduced in several ways. Scientists and engineers can work to find ways to lessen the amount of pollution that such things as automobiles and factories cause. Governments can pass and enforce laws that require businesses and individuals to stop, or cut down on, certain polluting activities. And—perhaps most importantly—individuals and groups of people can work to persuade their representatives in government, and also persuade businesses, to take action toward reducing pollution. Recycling is the reprocessing of waste products for reuse. Many kinds of wastes can be recycled. Some, including cans and newspapers, can be used over and over again for the same purposes. Cans can be melted down and used to make new cans. Old newspapers can be turned into pulp and then made into lean newsprint. Other materials, such as glass bottles and automobile tires, can be reused for other purposes. Ground-up glass can serve as an ingredient in road-building materials. Old tires can be melted down in a special process in which they give off valuable chemicals, such as oil and gas. Many communities have introduced programs that encourage households to sort their trash for recycling. Recycling programs can reduce the amount of solid wastes that must be dumped or burned (Bailey, 2002).

The technological developments do much to control pollution cased by older technology. Various methods of reducing pollution from automobile engines have been developed recently. Examples include new additives to replace tetraethyl lead in gasoline, and devices to remove pollutants from exhaust and make combustion processes more complete.
One more alternative sollution is a hydrogen car. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles may be all the rage on the developmental circuit these days. Clean hydrogen fuel is the best alternative for traditional one, as well as fuel cells, which are more efficient and cleaner than “hydrogen internal combustion engines”. “Instead of burning fuel in an engine, fuel cells are more like batteries, using an electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to create electricity” (Hydrogen cars ready to roll — for a price, 2005). From the economic perspective, the use of some harmful materials should be stopped. For example, oil companies now produce unleaded gasoline because lead was found to be a major pollutant in automobile exhausts. Automobile manufacturers have modified engines so that the engines can run properly on unleaded gasoline (French, 2004).

Innovative technologies which are closely connected with alternative energy solutions can also help to reduce the risk of global warming. For example, pursuing alternative sources of energy such as wind and solar power is important for two reasons: the lack of coal reserves in many countries and concerns that heavy reliance on fossil fuels contributes to global warming (Aitken, 2000). These solutions do not heat the air and water, and do not lead to severe weather conditions.

It is possible to conclude that global warming is caused by many factors resulted from technological innovations of our time. Today, global warming becomes a major problem of our civilization resulted in severe weather conditions and natural disasters. For our civilization, it is important to find appropriate solutions to reduce the global warming effect and safe live on our planet. The information mentioned above, shows that interdisciplinary approach should be the core strategy in the process of global warming studies. Hurricanes and tornadoes are studies by Climate science, but their impact on social life is closely connected with Economic science. The economic benefits of drilling deal with economic science, nevertheless drilling is a prerogative of geology, which is responsible to find “a safe” method for an ice core drilling, and reduce its impact on global warming. Without economic perspectives, we cannot foresee benefits of new and safe technologies. Some scientists suppose that “global warming” is nothing more than “ephemeral fed” created form economic benefits, and it does not threat the humanity, but neither of them reject existence of “ozone holes” and risen sea level, melting Arctic snows and risen temperature, and as the most important, hurricanes and tornadoes which caused great looses for many countries this year.