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Distinguish between Indifferece curve and Iso-quant

Indifference Curve


1. Indifference
curve is a locus of points, which represents various combinations of two
gods and has same utility on satisfaction in every combination.

2. Indifference curve emphasizes on consume satisfaction.

3. There are no physical units in which satisfaction can be measured. We label indifference
curves as I, II, III etc. showing that higher indifference curve provides a greater level of satisfaction, but we cannot say how much greater.

1. ISO0QUANT is a locus of some points which represents different compination of two factions of production and has same production in every points.

2. ISO – QUANT emphasizes on total output or production.

3. We can label SO-QUANT in the physical units of the output produced with out any difficulty. It is possible to say by how much production is greater or less
on ISO-QUANT than on another.

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