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Kashmir is burning and bleeding

Kashmir is bleeding and running out of blood, and it doesn't seem far when the life will cease to exist in the valley. Kashmir has been turned into the biggest prison around the world, with people being fired upon ruthlessly, only to kill by the India Forces. It's a shame on Indian State, which calls itself the biggest Democracy and a Secular state, and factually is turning Kashmir into a slaughter house. People are not allowed to move out of their houses, even if they are dying for medication.

Few of the things which would like to bring like:

  • Markets in Kashmir have run out of essentials commodities such as Milk,
    Bread, Vegetables and Rice. While the government claims of having enough
    stock, the cases of starvation have come up.

  • Baby food is also not available in the markets.
  • Hospitals have run out of medical stocks such as Cotton, Bandages and Life
    saving drugs. Not even the drugs like Paracetamol are available.

  • Patients and their attendants have been locked up in hospitals without
    food and other essentials. Even though the government claims otherwise.

  • More than 100 people have been killed in past few weeks. And injured are
    in thousands with most of them critically hurt with bullet shots.

  • The local electronic media has been dumped by the state authorities for
    bridging the communication gap between people of this state. Which helped them
    suffocate Kashmiri's a Little more.

  • The SMS service has been barred for at least a month now. Reasons still

  • The Newspapers no more hit the stands, while Local Newspaper offices have
    been locked in Kashmir for the obvious reasons that local journalists are not
    allowed to move even with curfew passes. Many of them were beaten to pulp and
    are admitted in various hospitals.

    It's the fourth Consecutive day of curfew in the state and people have run out
    of the supply of essential commodities. The 2 hour deal today left people more
    distressed with grocery stores running out of stocks. And people running back
    home empty hand, while the CRPF was whistling all through the time to create
    panic. Many in Kashmir for past few have been sleeping empty stomach, not
    because they don't have money but because they are an occupied nation. And
    have to suffer at the hands of Oppressor.
    It seems if the international agencies do not come to rescue, people of
    Kashmir might succumb to starvation, leading to genocide which Indian state
    has been engaging itself, with for past 61 years now.

3 Comments Here::

Adnan said...

can i talk to with u?

Adnan said...

Anonymous said...

ok, what can i do for you?