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Love and hate : Science Discover

Love and hate

( and hate there is rivalry but pats of every emotion and now scientists discovered why?
Semir Zeki and John Paul Romaya
(University College London) reported: brain scans shown images of how brain activity that partly occurs in areas and activated by romantic love and hate.

  • In their study, the researchers showed: "This linkage may account for whylove and hate are so closely linked to each other in life," Actually there is a unique pattern of activity in the brain in the context of hate." Research in 17 men and women pictures of someone the volunteers said they hated along with 3 familiar, neutral faces.

    The researchers wrote : "As far as we can determine it is unique to the sentiment of hate even though individual sites within it have been shown to be active in other conditions that are related to hate". One part of the brain that switched on was an area considered critical in predicting other people's actions, something that is likely key when confronting a hated
    person. The brain activity also occurred in the putamen and insula, two areas activated when people viewed the face of a loved person. But there were important differences as well. A bigger part of the cerebral cortex an area linked to judgment and reasoning de-activates with love compared to hate. The researchers said : while both emotions are all-consuming passions, it may be that people in love are often less critical and judgmental about their partner but need to maintain their focus when dealing with a hated

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