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Makes men crazy

Makes the men crazy

  • ( researchers said: Women can make the men wild by wearing red dress. Men becomes more sexually attractive if she was wearing red cloth or if she was shown in an image framed by a red border. In a study psychology professor Andrew Elliot of the University of Rochester in Rochester, confirm red is the color of romance, so as far this many Valentine's Day card makers & lipstick sellers have believed for years.

He said : Scientists have shown certain male primates are especially attracted to females of their species displaying red. For example, female baboons and chimpanzees show red coloring when nearing ovulation, sending a sexual signal that the males apparently find irresistible.

The study involved more than 100 men who were shown pictures of women and asked them to rate..

  1. How pretty they look
  2. How much the men would like to kiss and
  3. How much the men would like to have sex .
    With some of the pictures in red men showed tremendous attraction and rated her as more attractive than when she was bordered by another color. Men were then shown photographs of a woman that were identical except that the researchers digitally made her shirt red in some versions or blue in others. And once again, the men strongly favored the woman in red.
    The men also were asked, "Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date?" When she was clad in red, the men said they would spend more money on her.

    Researchers distinguished that the color red did not alter how men rated the women in the photographs in terms of likability, intelligence or kindness only attractiveness. Then the researchers go for a survey to a group of women how they rated the women in red and found that Red had no impact on whether women rated other women as pretty, they found.

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